Hello there, Craigslist!
Today I’m saddened to list my estoril blue M roadster for sale today. I’ve owned it for about 3 years and it’s been an extremely reliable & fun car for me. Just time to get rid of it to free up some space & funds, especially since it’s not a primary vehicle for me. Before you look into this post, just know that this is not an ordinary BMW Z3. She has a bunch of M3 parts on it, including the S52 engine from the factory. Wider wheels & fenders. An LSD differential. The perfect package for a good time
-Clutch, brakes, tires, and fluids are all good
-Just passed smog & is registered until February
-Soft top motor is weak, so I adjusted the dampers to make putting the top up and down much easier
-Fresh transmission & diff fluid in it
-Radio hasn’t been used since I usually drive with an airpod in for better audio, but sound system isn’t the best in it
-A few dings & dents in the car. Pretty normal for a 23 year old car. 1 medium sized one on the driver side quarter panel, which is much more noticeable than the rest. I have been quoted a fair price to fix it, but it did not bother me enough to take action
Other than that, the car is pretty minimal. Not a lot of options on it. It starts up no problem, and goes! Just drove it up to San Francisco & Marin over this past weekend and it reminded me why i love the car so much. Hoping to find a new home where it’ll be appreciated just as much. Willing to listen to serious offers, but pls no low ballers