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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
General Information: Year: 2000 Exterior Color: Titanium Silver Metallic Interior Color: Black Nappa Engine: S52
Production Stats: Total Number with S52 Engine: 8937 Total Number for 2000 Model Year: 4338 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic: 1562 Total Number with Black Nappa: 4999 Total Number with a Black Softtop: 8515 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa: 1134 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with a Black Softtop: 1119 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with S52 Engine: 883 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with a Black Softtop with S52 Engine: 877 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa for 2000 Model Year: 883 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with a Black Softtop for 2000 Model Year: 877
Sales History: Currently For Sale in Dublin, CA - $13,500.00
Hamburg, NY - $16,200.00 82,626 miles
Wichita, KS - $10,000.00 85,000 miles
Hillsborough, NJ - $15,500.00 86,000 miles
Princeton, KY - $15,000.00 76,000 miles
Marietta, GA - $15,677.00 90,716 miles